September 8, 2008


Sunday afternoon we started out with the Liles family by stopping and touring the church of John which was even larger and more ornate then any of the ones we toured on Saturday. We then went to the Coliseum, the Palatin Hill and the Forum. Of course everyone knows all about the Coliseum and theForum is where all roads that led into Rome met. But the Palatin Hill is where the City of Rome actually was started and was very cool to see. On the top of the hill is where Julius Cesar's nephew Cesar Agustus built his house when he took over and ruled Rome. From then on all Emperors lived there but they all added on to this house until it covered over half or more of the entire hill which was very large. It is also supposedly where the founder of Rome Romulus lived as they found a stone with his name on it near the house that Cesar Agustus built. There is also a house that is still there that Mussolini built for his summer home and he and Adolf Hitler used to meet there.

1 Church of John exterior
2 - 3 pics of the coliseum
4-5 Entrance on two of the roads leading to the Forum
6 Palantin Hill
7 Mussolini summer home,
8 Marker where Romulus thef ounder of Rome's house was
9 the Forum area

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