January 28, 2010


Nothing is heavier than the truths of evangelism. As we have been here in India I find myself at times overwhelmed by the need of people for the gospel and the great barriers that exist in evangelism. There are language barriers, cultural barriers and the strong religious barriers. Most people who have not ever really known about the Creator who sent His one and only son Jesus to pay for us and save us. In a lot of ways we are trying to do the impossible when it comes to sharing Christ here. And yet the essence of faith is believing God enough to attempt the impossible. We are here because we have been commanded to take the gospel to every nation. So faith and obedience are both accomplished by our team's efforts.

As I was thinking about these things I spoke with one of the men who is a part of the local team. He told me that he was a follower of Jesus and a believer. I asked him how that happened and he told me that his wife went to hear a lecture and then invited him. He began to read the Bible, listen to preaching and over time he was convinced and accepted Christ. He commented that as he tried the things taught in the Bible he noticed that they worked. He and his wife are the first to become Christians in their families and so he said, they pray for his parents. All it took was the faith to try the impossible and the obedience to take the gospel to every nation and this man's life an eternity has been changed. He now carries the truth with passion and conviction and works to spread the word. Many are coming to Christ in this place.

We have had the great privilege of lending a hand and adding to what God is already doing here. This has been a great week to put our mission into practice -"LOVE GOD, SERVE PEOPLE AND REACH THE WORLD".

Pastor Eddie

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